
Zareen Abbas Khan

Zareen is a PhD candidate at NTNU, Trondheim. She is a part of the SFI team at Regional Center for Healthcare Improvement at St. Olavs Hospital in Trondheim.

The objective of Zareen’s PhD project is to perform an economic evaluation of Mamma Mia. Mamma Mia is an app that aims to prevent perinatal depression. The app is currently undergoing a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of offering the app along with support from healthcare personnel as opposed to the app being used by pregnant mothers on a self-guided basis. Zareen will use the data from this RCT to evaluate the app’s cost-effectiveness in both the short and long terms.

In addition to the economic evaluation of Mamma Mia, Zareen is interested in how factors related to implementation of digital healthcare solutions influence their costs. To this end, she is performing an implementation-related cost analyses for both eMeistring and Mamma Mia.

Zareen holds an MSc in Global Health from NTNU, Trondheim and a Master of Public Affairs from The University of Texas at Austin.

Main Supervisor:

Vidar Halsteinli – St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim

Zareen Abbas Khan

Doktorgradsstipendiat St, Olavs Hospital